Sunday, September 1, 2013

#150 How to cook Quinoa, the mother of all grains

Post #150. Today is the first day of September. I haven't blogged in 2 months! Cooking is time consuming, taking pics and editing then blogging takes A LOT more time than cooking. 215 dishes more to cook! That's a lot. :)
So where have I been for the last 2 months? LOL. Many things happened. We moved back to San Jose, California in early June. BVS is a beautiful place with 4 seasons, we love it there and we miss it, but it was time to leave to go back to Silicon Valley for work. A week later after moving back to SJ, I started training for a new position, and then after that, just got so busy day after day.  All summer, I drove atleast 150 miles every day for work, 200 + some days. I talk non-stop all day, and by the time the day ends, all I wanted to do was just rest and spend time with my daughter before I complete more paperwork. I worked 6 days a week, so cooking really was not something enjoyable with all the changes going on. So did I cook anything within the two months? Once in a while, yes. But we ate mostly take out..Ugh!. BUT, I also had good food made for us by my friend's Mom, we were invited to their dinners several times :), and we were blessed to receive home cooked meal almost every day from my dear friend A. But I do feel so guilty for not cooking, and blogging! I caved in to my busy schedule instead of rising above it!

Thank goodness, now I am well adjusted to my new routine. For me, driving all these miles everyday is  really, okay. I love what I do and have been doing it for almost 3 years now.  I like going to bed every night knowing that I am making money by  helping the environment and many homeowners save money drastically and live healthier. I must say, it has been a phenomenal summer filled with  changes, many challenges and many successes. All settled in, with most of our stuff organized in our new place, I now have all the space and time and excitement to finish my project.
Today I am blogging about Quinoa, a grain like crop  grown primarily for it's edible seeds. It was first domesticated by the Andean peoples around 3,000 years ago, and was considered holy as the  "mother of all grains" by the Incas. Today, it plays a huge role in global food security.  I wanted to share because I really love it, and hopefully you will check it out as well because it is very easy to cook, it tastes good and goes well with anything. I eat as a side dish much like how I eat rice. But I like it better than rice because it is highly nutritious, and considered a superfood. It is a source of complete protein, fiber, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium and is gluten-free. Read more


1 cup quinoa
2 cups of water


  1. Place 1 cup Quinoa and 2 cups of water in a 1 1/2 quart saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer, cover and cook until all water is absorbed, for about 10 to 15 minutes. When done, the grain appears soft and translucent, and the germ ring will be visible along the outside edge of the grain.

My big thank you to the Andean peoples for preserving Quinoa for us and the future generations to enjoy. I have a similar mission in life as the Andeans, and it is why I am passionate about energy efficiency and renewables: to preserve our  natural resources and live in harmony with nature, for the present and the future.
2013 is declared as the "International Year of Quinoa" by the United Nations General Assembly. The objective is to draw the world’s attention on the role that quinoa plays in providing food security, nutrition and poverty eradication, in support of achieving Millennium Development Goals. Source:

"Faced with the challenge of increasing the production of quality food to feed the world's population in the context of climate change, quinoa offers an alternative for those countries suffering from food insecurity" -