Monday, September 21, 2015

We're back!

Hi there! It has been a very looong time! I so missed this blog. I just spent some time reading my first few posts, and oh wow! I am so glad I started this. I learned so much, and the memories attached to every task I completed for this project are so dear, and that I have decided to complete this... Can I do it? Of course I can. We only have 211 dishes to discover, cook, photograph and write about. LOL. Honestly, I don't know. I love challenges, and hopefully I will win this one.

One year and seven months ago, I wrote that it was time to retire my point and shoot camera, and did not blog after that post. Well, I actually did buy a DSLR and prime lenses! With such a busy lifestyle, I procrastinated too long to finish this project. As a single mother, there are just too many things to do and too little time. I am loaded with tasks from my day job and a few exciting business ventures slowly baking and flourishing, so I am busier than ever! But I am now also wanting to complete my mission to cook 365 international dishes. So hopefully with sharper lenses, I can produce much better photographs moving forward.

What else has changed?

My daughter has grown too fast, and I have a few beautiful dreams coming true in the next 2 years after years and years in the making.
I have more than usual gray hair sprouting here and there, which means, I am wiser. :)
I lost a lot of weight and  I fit in my old clothes. I did it by exercise and eliminating all grains and cane sugar from my diet, with the exception of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day holidays, it's when I eat everything that looks good!
My daughter can eat eggs now! Looks like her allergy to eggs has completely disappeared. She is still highly allergic to all nuts and seafoods.

Will start posting very soon! :)