Monday, January 16, 2017

#175 Sugar-Free Chocolate Mousse Cake

I love Chocolate Mousse! When I started looking for good recipes, I found out it's made of sugar, cream, chocolates of course and egg whites , but, what I didn't know is, that I can actually make a sugar free chocolate mousse cake using this bag of chocolate chips pictured below, and omit the eggs! Ready to make it too? Find recipe below....


16 ounces or 4 cups of heavy whipping cream
12 ounces of premium baking chocolate chips stevia sweetened (I used more than 1 bag of Lilly's dark chocolate)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
pinch of salt

  1. In a medium bowl, combine 1 cup of cream, vanilla extract, chocolate chips and salt. Melt chocolate with all ingredients in a double broiler. Stir. Once chocolate is melted and the mixture is smooth, transfer to bowl, and let cool to room temperature, stirring occasionally. 
  2. In a large bowl, using an electric mixer, beat 2 cups of chilled cream. Beat until a stiff peak forms. Add in the cooled chocolate mixture.
  3. Transfer mixture to a pie plate and chill for at least 6 hours.
  4. Before serving, beat the remaining 1 cup of heavy whipping cream until a stiff peak forms. Serve it with pie. Enjoy!

Chocolate Mousse originated from France in the 1800s. The basic ingredients of THE  original chocolate mousse are: chocolate, egg whites and sugar.  I plan to make "mousse au chocolat" next winter holidays. For the next several months, I will skip the sugar.  
Hope you enjoyed this post! If you did, follow this blog as we will be posting 190 more recipes! 190 recipes to discover, learn to cook, take pictures and share to complete the goal of 365! 
Will I finish this task? Check back often to see my progress! xo Van

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