Sunday, June 2, 2013

#135 Salt Encrusted Fish

The first time I saw an image of salt-encrusted fish, I was determined to find out how to make it. I still had 2 fresh fishes to cook, but I wondered if trout would be a good fish to use, I got  more curious about it. The Mckays gave me 3 fresh fishes that they caught from the well maintained and stocked community lake, and it's the freshest fish I could get from this part of the world at 5,600 above sea level. I still haven't caught my own fish, no luck so far.
This spanish style of cooking requires a lot of salt. Atleast two pounds, depending on the size of your whole fish. My advice, start with two pounds, you can always add later when you need more. Was it worth the 2 pounds of salt? Yes! Was it wasteful? Absolutely not. The money that you pay for the salt is nothing compared to the moist, delicately flavored fish that you will get- absolutely worth all the salt in your pantry and besides, salt is not expensive anyway! To those who are wondering if the Trout was good, a big yes! I think it is important to use fresh fish only, since it tastes so much better than frozen ones. Trout should be included in the list of fishes recommended for Baked Salt Encrusted Fish. It was delicious! The preparation is very simple and quick.

Here's how to make it:
  1. Clean and scale the fish. Then  pepper the insides.
  2. Stuff the cavity of the fish with the following: fresh parsley, fresh dill, and fresh lemons.
  3. Mix 2 pounds of coarse salt and 3 egg whites of large eggs.
  4. Make a bed of the salt mixture for the fish, then lay the fish on top. 
  5. Pat salt on top of the fish until it is fully covered.
  6. Preheat oven at 475 F degrees, then reduce heat to 400 F degrees and then bake fish for 20 minutes or until done.

 The salt's color turns dark when baked.

The salt crust hardens once it is done, so opening it is very dramatic! Use a knife to cut along the edges. Serve meat of fish with a light drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, pepper and some lemons if you want.
This was my first time and it was divine!!!


  1. Hi Vannia! How are you? Wow, what an awesome post! Your salt encrusted fish is such an interesting post and with such excellent photos. I have always wondered about this dish. Anyways, I just wanted to stop by and say hello. I admire the quality of what you do here. Please do not stop writing and using your gift with the camera. I also take my own photos and clearly you have an artist's eye. Bravo, Vannia! Take care and hugs.

    1. Hi Mario! Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your heartwarming comments! :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Take care and hugs to you too, V.
