Sunday, October 4, 2015

#157 France's Daube de Beouf (with rosé)

About a month ago, we had dinner at the Left Bank Brasserie in Santana Row. That night a Braised Short Ribs was the special. They cooked it in wine, we were curious and so we tried. It was nice, different and the meat was really tender. Since then, I was on search of a good beef French recipe. I found one, and tweaked it. Since I only had a rosé from the Copolla Winery, I used it instead of running to the grocery store. One thing I learned from making this dish, is this: the wine truly intensifies the flavor of the meat and herbs.  I also bought a dutch oven, which I have always procrastinated in buying. I am now a proud owner of one and a learned more about French flavors. It was delicious!

  • 3 pounds trimmed grass fed beef chuck, cut into 2 inch pieces
  • salt
  • white pepper
  • 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 3 medium onions
  • 12 oz. rosé wine
  • 4 garlic gloves
  • 4 cups organic beef broth
  • 3 springs of organic fresh thyme, fresh parsley and fresh bay leaves in cheese cloth
  • 10 organic potatoes
  • 2 large organic carrots
  • 1 tablespoon red vinegar

  1. Preheat the oven to 325°. Season the beef with salt and white pepper. In a large enameled cast-iron casserole, heat 2 tablespoons of the oil. Add beef and cook until browned all over, about 5 minutes; reduce the heat if the meat browns too quickly. Transfer the meat to a plate. Repeat with the remaining oil and beef. 
  2. Add onions for about 8 minutes. Add the garlic and cook until fragrant, 1 minute. Add the wine, scraping up any browned bits stuck to the bottom of the casserole. Add the beef back to the casserole along with the stock and herb bundle. Bring to a boil, cover and bake for about 1 1/2 hours, or until the meat is super tender.
  3. Add the potatoes and carrots carefully into the stew, cover and bake for about 25 minutes or until the vegetables are cooked according to your taste. Discard the herb bundle. Stir in the Dijon and vinegar, season with salt and white pepper and then serve.

Note: The enameled cast-iron casserole is very heavy, handle carefully to prevent burns. 
Recipe adapted from here

It was perfect!

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