Wednesday, December 12, 2012

#18 Philippines' Tortang Talong

This is a simple dish that we always enjoyed in the Philippines. Hope you'll like it too.



2 Chinese eggplants
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 eggs
1/2 yellow onions minced
1/2 teaspoon mccormick's garlic salt


  1. Grill eggplants. Don't worry about burning the skin. It's important to cook the meat inside.
  2. While waiting, mix the eggs, onions, garlic salt and pepper.
  3. Once cooked, peel and discard the skin of the eggplants. I used a thong and fork since the skin is very hot.
  4. On a baking dish, flatten the meat of the eggplant with a fork.
  5. Pour the egg mixture.
  6. Heat a non-stick pan to medium high. Then add the olive oil.
  7. Remove the eggplants from the mixture, then fry until brown.
  8. Serve hot,  enjoy with fresh sliced cucumbers, fresh sliced tomatoes and drizzle with lemon + salt if desired.

We "visited" the Philippines again. We moved to the United States 6 years ago. We miss home. We talked about the storm that had hit the Southern part of the country and thankfully, there were no property damages or casualties in our hometown. 99% of my family and a dearly beloved still reside there. We wish they can all move up here soon. We talked about how blessed we are compared to the hundreds of homeless families affected by the many storms that visit the  Philippines each year. 

If you would like to find out how you can help the victims of Typhoon Bopha (Pablo) this holiday season, check out this link:

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