Tuesday, May 7, 2013

#93 Swedish Meatballs

This was our first time to make Swedish meatballs and this recipe that we used is really good. I personally love the blend of  dill and nutmeg flavors which are very noticeable when you eat it. It's great to learn how to make it, very easy and quicker than Italian meatballs. Although I really liked it when we ate it immediately after cooking, I loved eating the leftovers the next day. The flavor of dill was stronger and the overall taste is better after it's been sitting in the fridge for a day or two. Great dish, we loved it!

Yield: Serves 4



For the meatballs

1 cup plain bread crumbs
1/4 cup milk
1 large egg yolk
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 1/4 pounds ground beef
1 small onion, minced
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
3 tablespoons vegetable oil

For the sauce

2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 3/4 cups beef broth
1/4 cup sour cream
1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill
salt and pepper

  1. In a large bowl, stir the bread crumbs, milk, egg yolk, and Worcestershire sauce until blended. Add the meat, onion, salt and pepper, and nutmeg. Using your hands, gently mixed until blended. Shape mixture into 36 small meatballs.
  2. Heat the oil in the large skillet over medium heat. Add half of the meatballs. Cook, turning, until brown on all sides, around 7 minutes. Using tongs, move meatballs to a plate. Cover with a foil. Repeat with remaining meatballs.
  3. Add the flour to the skillet. Cook over medium heat, whisking, until deep brown. Whisk in the beef broth until smooth. Bring to a boil. Cook, whisking, for 2 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat. Whisk in sour cream and dill. Season with salt and pepper. Add the cooked meatballs and any juice. Stir until meatballs are covered. Serve right away.

Recipe adapted from Abigail Johnson Dodge

We made smaller meatballs, but you can also make bigger ones.
Pictured below is the blessed little hands of a great helper. :)

We learned that Sweden is a country in Europe that has the third largest land area of the European Union which has a low population density. It is a highly developed country, has the eight's highest per capita income in the world and placed first in The Economist "best governed countries in the world". We learned of the term Smörgåsbord , which is a traditional Scandinavian celebration meal served buffet style. Swedish meatballs, along with herring, salmon cheeses, smoked eel and pickled vegetables are classic dishes served. Swedish meatballs are traditionally served with noodles and lingonberry jam.

We will sure make a lot more of this dish. :)  Det är mycket läckert!

Fear less, hope more; 
whine less, breathe more; 
talk less, say more; 
hate less, love more; 
and all good things are yours.

- Swedish Proverb

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